- We intend to expand on the original work with the "NuovoPicus" which will be available in the WiFi and Ethernet versions. Both devices are based on the 100-pin PIC24FJ256GB210 rather than the original 64-pin PIC24FJ256GB206, the WiFi version will use the
ATWILC1000-MR110PB ATWINC1500-MR210PB rather than the MRF24WG0MA, preliminary WiFi pdf schematic here. - The NuovoPicus WiFi design maintains pin-for-pin compatibility with the FlyportPRO but adds 9 RPI pins and 10 RP pins to the interface, in its release version it will also have an on-board general purpose debug LED and an analogue temperature sensor.
- The project is a collaboration of two individuals, it is being designed in KiCad. In order to facilitate ease of testing both the Ethernet and the WiFi versions of the "old" Pro Picus are also being designed and named "VecchioPicus". These VP versions are to be 100% compatible with the OP IDE and the OP dev board.
- So, NP2W = NuovoPicus v2.0 WiFi Top, Bottom, VP1W = VecchioPicus v1.0 WiFi Top, Bottom.
Links: NP1W Parts, NP1E Parts, NP2W Parts, VP1E Parts, VP1W Parts